Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Royal Commission into Institutional Child abuse in Australia.
by zeb inpublic hearing into the jehovahs witnesses .
22 june, 2015 the royal commission will hold a public hearing in sydney commencing on 27 july 2015 at 10:00am.. the scope and purpose of the public hearing is to inquire into:.
1. the experience of survivors of child sexual abuse within the jehovahs witnesses church in australia.. 2. the responses of the jehovahs witnesses church and the watchtower bible and tract society of australia ltd to allegations, reports or complaints of child sexual abuse within the church.. 3. the systems, policies and procedures in place within the jehovahs witnesses church and the watchtower bible and tract society of australia ltd for raising and responding to allegations of or concerns about child sexual abuse within the church.. 4. the systems, policies and procedures in place within the jehovahs witnesses church and the watchtower bible and tract society of australia ltd to prevent child sexual abuse within the church.. 5. any related matters.
Brokeback Watchtower
Enlightenment is a real bitch for delusional misbehaving/cruel Governing Body these days My how the word gets around about these cruel religious fanatics thanks to the internet. -
What Can Circuit Overseers Who Come To Know The Truth About The Truth Do To Cripple The Delusional Watchtower Corporation?
by Brokeback Watchtower inwell it is only natural to assume that a modest number of cos&wives, bethelites, and other people are becoming enlightened shall we say as to the real sinister nature of these sociopaths called the faithful and discreet governing body slave bull shit artist.. so what besides making secret documents public can these do to get some type of satisfactional revenge for being used by them in such a cruel way or like a smuck who they don't even give one shit about.
what can these ladies and men do?
how can they get some form of pay back for all the years they wasted slaving for these no good greedy bastards called the governing fucking body?
Brokeback Watchtower
Well it is only natural to assume that a modest number of COs&wives, Bethelites, and other people are becoming enlightened shall we say as to the real sinister nature of these sociopaths called the Faithful and Discreet Governing Body Slave bull shit artist.
So what besides making secret documents public can these do to get some type of satisfactional revenge for being used by them in such a cruel way or like a smuck who they don't even give one shit about. What can these ladies and men do?
How can they get some form of pay back for all the years they wasted slaving for these no good greedy bastards called the Governing Fucking Body? Is there some type of lawsuit activity coming from these people? What about that vow of poverty they were forced to sign in order to serve the Watchtower Corporation is there something illegal in the required signing of such a document and then throw a person out after years of faithful service to corporation causes? I think perhaps there is and perhaps a class action lawsuit waiting to happen as some/many of those so mistreated become enlighten. How would such a lawsuit draw support as more and more get wind of it? Boy could you imagine what a stir it would cause at head quarters if such became so I hate to be working in the legal department if such became so. Anyway I think the way the Watchtower is treating these people is criminal I just don't know law. And how about a forced announcement by the Watchtower Corporation about the doing away with such vows say by a charity commission or something I don't these are just shots in the dark possibilities.
Most important are there any ideas worth sharing that just popped into your head. These COs and their wives are getting shafted by the Watchtower Corporation so I suspect many that find out how badly they were duped are not just gonna bend over and take it up the ass if you know what I mean.
To increase the creative process you must not be afraid of being wrong when you are too worried about being wrong in your ideas you limit your option dramatically or shall we say stifle a possibilty .
Is the Org Putting Elders in the Firing Line?
by The Searcher inin view of the conti verdict of negligence by the org, are elders who are selected by the c.o.
now in a precarious position?
"charity trustees face potential liabilities in a number of ways.
Brokeback Watchtower
What goes around comes around even for those who obediently/thoughtlessly carry out divine edicts of his majesty the faithful and always right discreetly slave. -
Well isn't this a bunch of BS
by Doctor Who inwell, our sister congregation just had their co visit this past week.
on saturday afternoon, i was talking to a couple of ministerial servants in that congregation and they stated that an unmarried brother is not fulfilling to the max what jehovah wants of us.
they stated that the co went on a tirade that if you are unmarried you are being selfish and not following what jehovah wanted for mankind since he created eve as a compliment for the man.
Brokeback Watchtower
All this mind numbing crap today coming from COs these guys are so delusional they give up the comforts of a nice home and some form of stability to promote the objectives of a delusional corporation run by delusional idiots far worse than himself. This kind of life with all its bull shit ideas running things got to make one cranky towards those not giving one's all to the corporation as they look at them with a sort of disgusted disdain but secret envy because their life is so unsatisfying while they keep telling themselves and others like a mantra over and over again how great it is to serve the corporation/Jehovah. -
Drama at the RC
by leaving_quietly ini sat through part 1 of the drama yesterday.
i thought they did a fairly decent job with it, except for the weird questions asked up front by an ancient guy asking "how do you know jehovah's witnesses have the truth?
" that has absolutely nothing to do with how he was convinced jesus was the messiah.
Brokeback Watchtower
The Governing Body totally lost it for sure. In their mind Jehovah's Witness Corporation was already up and running in the first century, or at least the adopted designation Jehovah Witness talk about blurring the lines of reality and fiction. Their minds are running on empty due to constant indoctrination and indoctrinating others. I hope they get a good psychiatrist or something because they are in deep doo doo. -
Songs of Freedom That Inspire Not Blind Nationalism And It's Limits
by Brokeback Watchtower in
Independence Day
by rebel8 inhappy independence day to those in the usa.
i can't help but think of our own personal struggles for freedom today.. "question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear."1.
--thomas jefferson.
Brokeback Watchtower
Yeah gaining independence is good but then we went on to rob the native Indian's of their land and put them on reservations so, so much for freedom blah blah blah. What good is economic freedom/taxation without proper representation from a master power when we use it to enslave our fellow man whom we consider inferior like we did during slavery of the black man, and slaughter of the Indians gathering in desperation at Wounded Knee/ghost dance.
I always remember it is a "national" holiday and there for an agenda to keep the lemming proudly marching off to war for freedom no less.
Gwinnett Daily Post: See article and reader comment to Watchtower Convention PR piece about JW happy families
by AndersonsInfo in .
the 2015 imitate jesus!
convention of jehovahs witnesses will be held july 3-5 at the arena at gwinnett center located at 6400 sugarloaf parkway in duluth.
Brokeback Watchtower
You hit the nail right on the head Barbara. -
OK so the GB are shaming Bros who don't "reach out" but would they ever consider this?...
by purrpurr ini note on here the feedback from the currently ongoing conventions that the gb are heavily trying to guilt and shame any brothers who are not ms or elders.
i agree with most posters who reckon this shows just how thin on the ground they are for ms and elders but... my question is.
how comes that even though they are so desperate they still will not allow women to fill those roles?
Brokeback Watchtower
The Governing Body have all the traits of mother that has got so adept at guilt tripping that that is the only way they know, an occasional smile to the peons but its all show and hypocritical because the real view they have is: that we need your filthy bodies to reach out and serve your corporation more if not you can't help yourself to any of our women for a future bride since we put an imaginary ugly spot of a 'Jehovah slacker' and not marriage material on your ass. -
The paradox of the WTBTS
by coalize inon one hand, wtbts blame you if you choose to work instead of pioneering, and on the another hand, they ask crazily amount of money!.
isn't it paradoxal ?.
if every jw leave his job and pioneer, no more money!.